The Archive

Carved and Inlaid Oak Coffer C.1700

Yew Wood and Elm Windsor Chair C.1840

Early English Oak Joint Stool or Side Table

Pine Farmhouse Dining Table

Georgian Oak Bureau

19th Century Broad Arm Windsor Chair

Antique English Oak Office Cabinet C.1900

Australian Blackwood Hall Stand by Rojo C.1915

Georgian Country Oak Chest of Drawers

Globe Wernicke Barrister's Bookcase

Georgian Mahogany Bow Front Chest

Georgian Oak Side Table

Georgian Oak Bureau

Victorian Mahogany Chest of Drawers

Oak Globe Wernicke Bookcase C.1900

19th Century Smoker's Bow Chair

Superbly Carved Green Man Pedestal Desk

English Oak Georgian Lowboy

Georgian Mahogany Tilt Top Wine Table

Australian Fiddleback Blackwood Hall Stand C.1910

Arts and Crafts Occasional Table

Georgian Mahogany Wine Table

Regency Mahogany Bow Front Chest

Victorian Walnut Writing Table

French Provincial Oak Farmhouse Table C.1800

Large Oak Library Revolving Bookcase C.1900

Georgian Mule Chest

Victorian Pine Chest of Drawers

Regency Mahogany Bow Front Chest

Mahogany Globe Wernicke Bookcase C.1900

William IV Rosewood Breakfast Table

Pair of Birdseye Maple Art Deco Bedside Chests

Georgian Oak Cricket Table

18th Century French Provincial Oak Buffet

Victorian Mahogany Library Table

English Oak Revolving Bookcase C.1900

American Oak Cutler Roll Top Desk

Art Nouveau Carved Oak Hall Stand

Victorian Satin Birch Chest of Drawers

19th Century Cedar Writing Table

Edwardian Mahogany Revolving Bookcase. C.1910

19th Century Elm Wheel Back Windsor Chair

Globe Wernicke Style Oak Barrister's Bookcase

Georgian Oak Side Table. C.1800

Pair of Art Deco Bedside Chests

Huon Pine Chest of Drawers

Georgian Mahogany Birdcage Lamp Table

18th Century French Provincial Side Table